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جيسِّكا جمال خزريك
Jessika Jamal Khazrik
ճէսսիքա ջամալ Խազրիք

⚱︎ Music ⎑ Performance
⍙ Technology ✺ Environmental JUSTICE 
⌭ Exhibitions ♐︎ Writings

✻ Teaching ☙ Public Speaking

⚰︎ Jessika Jamal Khazrik nurtures a plural, antimilitarist practice. Born in year 7291 of her grandmother‘s enduring calendar, raised in a club at the outskirts of Beirut and brought up in the vicinity of a quarry secretly contaminated by toxic waste, she has been making music, performing and DJing while being active in struggles for environmental justice and public science since early adolescence.

⚰︎ She performs, exhibits, publishes, teaches and advises internationally. Khazrik holds BAs in Linguistics and in Theatre from the Lebanese University(LB) and a MS in Art, Culture and Technology from MIT(US) where she was awarded the Ada Lovelace prize. Jessika Jamal is the founder and caretaker of “Reading Computers قراءة الحواسيب”, Post-coronialism, “AATMA ✦ عتمة”  and “خريطة الظلام Cartography of Darkness”.



Mar. 23 Hybrid set @ secret location, Berlin
Mar. 23 Radio panel: Nurturing Transnational Solidarities in Student Movements for Palestine @ THF Radio, Berlin
 Mar. 17 Speech @ UNITING LIBERATIONS: 13 Years into the Syrian Revolution, Berlin
Mar. 02 Moderation + speech @ The Global South Resists, Berlin 
Feb. 24 Premiere of new live set @ Trauma bar und Kino, Berlin
Feb. 19 Speech at 4th year commemoration of Hanau, Berlin
Feb. 15 Collective record release MUTUALISMX on Other People
Feb. 09 Collective record release Dedicated for Palestine
Feb. 10 Live set @ 90mil, Berlin
Feb. 8 Conversation with Mattin (co-withdrawn in solidarity with Gaza)
???. ??? AMTAA(curatorial, 12-hour trans-generational assembly with 4 interconnected spaces – secret time & location), Berlin ???
Jan. 24-26 Mentoring MA Live Art Forms, ADBKN, DE
Jan. 17 Hybrid set @ Spaces of Urgency, Amsterdam, NL
Jan. 17 Conversation with Louna Sbou & Diaspora Radio, Amsterdam, NL
Jan. 11 Release of single Gebera, as part of MUTUALISMX by Hexorcismos on Other People, DE
Dec. 17 Hybrid Set @ Sol Invictus @ Macro Museum, IT
Dec. 14 Panel moderator and organizer: Multi-scalar Resistance @ Oyoun, DE
Dec. 7 Essay published in book “I Hear a Future: Producing Time and Meaning Through Music in Egypt and Beyond”, ed. by Maha El Nabawi, published by Madamasr
Nov. 24 Panel moderator: What the hell happened to cultural resistance in Berlin @ Panke, DE
Nov. 18 Premiere of sound performance The World I Want to See @ Sound Quests Festival, IT
Oct. 25 Guest lecture @ GSAPP, Columbia University, US
Oct. 23 Launch of AATMA (online)
Oct. 7-8 Conference on AI & Music @ University of Bayreuth, DE
Sept. 30-Oct. 1 Premiere of No Doubt Nisaba @ Steirischer Herbst, AT
Aug. – May 2024 Ongoing chapter FOR A TRANS-ELECTRIC SOLIDARITY CoD (EiC)




⌇jessika -at- posteo . net

VRLAMXXAB8ND, multi-modal 5’channel sound installation, 32′ @ Kunsthalle Wien, AT 
Live A/V set @ Insomnia Festival
Language as False Witness, close up of lenticular sculpture @ ar/ge Kunst, IT
Pharmakopoeia Ep. V: Health Demilitarized, Technology Demilitarized, hypervideo series with 7 episodes @ Rewire Festival, NL
خريطة الظلام Cartography of Darkness, transclusive research platform
Blue Barrel Grove @ Times Museum, CN
ATAMANA, AI-aided multi-modal 7’channel installation @ Bergen Assembly, NO
Mount Mound Refuse, sound poetry performance @ Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, PL
Pharmakopoeia قرابادين: A body so close, multi-modal sound performance @ Christuskirche Köln, DE
