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جيسِّكا جمال خزريك
Jessika Jamal Khazrik
ճէսսիքա ջամալ Խազրիք
⚱︎ Music ⎑ Performance
⍙ Technology ✺ Environmental JUSTICE
⌭ Exhibitions ♐︎ Writings
✻ Teaching ☙ Public Speaking
⚰︎ Jessika Jamal Khazrik nurtures a plural, antimilitarist practice. Born in year 7291 of her grandmother‘s enduring calendar, raised in a club at the outskirts of Beirut and brought up in the vicinity of a quarry secretly contaminated by toxic waste, she has been making music, performing and DJing while being active in struggles for environmental justice and public science since early adolescence.
⚰︎ She performs, exhibits, publishes, teaches and advises internationally. Khazrik holds BAs in Linguistics and in Theatre from the Lebanese University(LB) and a MS in Art, Culture and Technology from MIT(US) where she was awarded the Ada Lovelace prize. Jessika Jamal is the founder and caretaker of “Reading Computers قراءة الحواسيب”, Post-coronialism, “AATMA ✦ عتمة” and “خريطة الظلام Cartography of Darkness”.
⏦ Mar. 23 Hybrid set @ secret location, Berlin
⏦ Mar. 23 Radio panel: Nurturing Transnational Solidarities in Student Movements for Palestine @ THF Radio, Berlin
⏦ Mar. 17 Speech @ UNITING LIBERATIONS: 13 Years into the Syrian Revolution, Berlin
⏦ Mar. 02 Moderation + speech @ The Global South Resists, Berlin
⏦ Feb. 24 Premiere of new live set @ Trauma bar und Kino, Berlin
⏦ Feb. 19 Speech at 4th year commemoration of Hanau, Berlin
⏦ Feb. 15 Collective record release MUTUALISMX on Other People
⏦ Feb. 09 Collective record release Dedicated for Palestine
⏦ Feb. 10 Live set @ 90mil, Berlin
⏦ Feb. 8 Conversation with Mattin (co-withdrawn in solidarity with Gaza)
⏦ ???. ??? AMTAA(curatorial, 12-hour trans-generational assembly with 4 interconnected spaces – secret time & location), Berlin ???
⏦ Jan. 24-26 Mentoring MA Live Art Forms, ADBKN, DE
⏦ Jan. 17 Hybrid set @ Spaces of Urgency, Amsterdam, NL
⏦ Jan. 17 Conversation with Louna Sbou & Diaspora Radio, Amsterdam, NL
⏦ Jan. 11 Release of single Gebera, as part of MUTUALISMX by Hexorcismos on Other People, DE
⏦ Dec. 17 Hybrid Set @ Sol Invictus @ Macro Museum, IT
⏦ Dec. 14 Panel moderator and organizer: Multi-scalar Resistance @ Oyoun, DE
⏦ Dec. 7 Essay published in book “I Hear a Future: Producing Time and Meaning Through Music in Egypt and Beyond”, ed. by Maha El Nabawi, published by Madamasr
⏦ Nov. 24 Panel moderator: What the hell happened to cultural resistance in Berlin @ Panke, DE
⏦ Nov. 18 Premiere of sound performance The World I Want to See @ Sound Quests Festival, IT
⏦ Oct. 25 Guest lecture @ GSAPP, Columbia University, US
⏦ Oct. 23 Launch of AATMA (online)
⏦ Oct. 7-8 Conference on AI & Music @ University of Bayreuth, DE
⏦ Sept. 30-Oct. 1 Premiere of No Doubt Nisaba @ Steirischer Herbst, AT
⏦ Aug. – May 2024 Ongoing chapter FOR A TRANS-ELECTRIC SOLIDARITY , CoD (EiC)
⌇Songs from Nano-spectacular Space
⌇jessika -at- posteo . net
